From our Clients
Pantapasin has done a number of very successful searches for us. We are very happy with our co-operation.
Your sales candidate just won the Salesman of the Year Award!
The consultants at Pantapasin International show commitment and talent to find candidates in the market who make a perfect match with our culture and job profiles.
Pantapasin presented a number of great talents to our organization, several of whom were issued an offer. We also needed a European Director Six Sigma and Jolanda identified some great candidates from both Europe and the US. Jolanda proved her value as an experienced international headhunter by accommodating us at every step of the process. Great job done!
Your candidate is already promoted to Manager Production and we want you to recruit a new leader with the same qualities to lead the Process Department.
The best hire I did in the last five years!! Thank you for this “pearl”!
Your candidate will be transferred to a bigger role in Germany and we look for a successor in The Netherlands.
We have been partners for several years. You succeed in matching all parties – what better result can we expect?!

From our Candidates
Hi Jolanda, it is great to hear from you, as you may know I relocated to the USA to head up the Electrical business and am recently promoted to President International, life is good. Please keep in touch.
Well organized and very professional. Prepared me fully to make a good impression with the company
Thank you for all your help in finding this “Dutch” job.
I want to thank you for all your support and efforts in my quest for a new job and hope to remain in touch in the future.
Thank you Celeste for the great match. You and your client have been very helpful in making the transition easy. We feel welcome and look forward to our next move abroad.
Pantapasin International is very committed, day and night. On top of that they managed to find me an employer whose culture fits me seamlessly.
Pantapasin International has a very enthusiastic team who conclude an assignment quickly by playing an active role and ensuring a perfect follow up.
Thank you very much for helping me to promote my candidature for this great opportunity!
Thank you for this opportunity of a lifetime! I feel totally energized.
From our Colleagues
“Bedankt voor de leuke en leerzame tijd bij Pantapasin.”
“Bedankt voor de leuke samenwerking!”